Understanding and Responding to Dementia-Related Behaviors

Join us at the Falmouth Public Library for an Understanding and Responding to Dementia-Related Behaviors education program presented by Jennifer Hoadley from the Alzheimer’s Association on Friday, October 25th at 3pm in the Hermann meeting room.

Behavior is a powerful form of communication and is one of the primary ways for people with dementia to communicate their needs and feelings as the the disease progresses and the ability to use language is lost. However, some behaviors can present real challenges for caregivers to manage.  Come learn how dementia can change a person’s behavior, possible triggers and person-centered care approaches to address behaviors. 

Specific topics is this Alzheimer’s Association Empowered Caregivers Series education program will include learning how dementia affects behavior, identifying and understanding possible triggers, non-medical and medial approaches to addressing behaviors and four steps for managing behaviors.

Jennifer Hoadley is the regional manager of Southeastern MA for the Alzheimer’s Association with 10+ years of experience in memory care and a personal connection to the disease.

This event is free to the public and registration is required as seating is limited. CLICK HERE to register online or visit/call the adult services desk at 508-457-2555 x7.

Investing for Seniors Seminar

Every time that the stock market goes down, do you have a sense of fear?  Do you know that losses or gains are realized only when you sell stocks or funds?  Join us at the Falmouth Public Library on Thursday, October 24th at 3pm in the Hermann Meeting Room for an Investing for Seniors Seminar with John Densler.  These and other issues affecting seniors including financial fraud, unsuitable investments recommended by “advisors,” and stock market history will be discussed.

John Densler has a BSEE and MSEE from Worcester Poly Tech Institute in addition to a MBA with distinction from Babson College.  While at Babson College, he studied Investments with Bob Coleman.  Mr. Densler also taught Management at Bridgewater State University and Mount Ida College where he designed a financial management course for students.  He does not represent any firms and will not endorse any specific securities or investment companies.  

This event is free to the public and registration is required as seating is limited. CLICK HERE to register online or visit/call the adult services desk at 508-457-2555 x7.

Edward Gorey “Sinister Cozy”

A Talk with the Director of the Edward Gorey House, Gregory Hischak

On Tuesday, October 22nd, we welcome Gregory Hischak, the Director of the Edward Gorey House and Museum to speak on Gorey’s achievements and his wonderfully amusing oddities. The presentation will run from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM in the reading room in front of the fireplace. He will be giving a presentation of Gorey’s natural creepy and hilarious artwork in his books, theater sets, and many other mediums.

Terrible things unfold in an Edward Gorey Book—children are swept out to sea, abducted by murderous insects, fall into unsavory company, or get carried off by giant birds. Sometimes they die of boredom. Edward writes, and draws, about everyday life and, for reasons that will likely come up in this presentation, his books are a delight and extremely funny. Mostly. Gorey’s work as a book artist, an illustrator, and designer is frequently categorized as Whimsically Macabre, though we prefer the term “Sinister Cozy”. His work looks a hundred and thirty years older than it is yet he consistently remains thirty years ahead of us at all times.

Please come join us on this spooky evening with “Sinister Cozy”. Registration is required.

Register here!

Hope to see you soon!

Writings of Carson McCullers with David Webb

David Webb has taught many Joy of Learning classes at the library; this October, he will teach a class on beloved Southern writer Carson McCullers’ novella The Ballad of the Sad Café, and several short stories! She is also the author of The Heart is a Lonely Hunter and Member of the Wedding. Please note that our Joy of Learning program is being revised, and will continue in 2025!

It will meet on four Wednesday mornings from 10:30 am – noon starting on October 2nd. Please register, as space is limited. Please register once for the whole series by clicking this link. Copies of the book will be available to pick up at the reference desk. 

for October 2: read Ballad, pp. 3-37, stop at “So let the slow years pass…”
for October 9, conclude Ballad, from “So let the slow years pass” from p. 37 to the end, pp. 37-71
for October 16, read “The Jockey” (pp. 93-99) and “Madame Zilensky and the King of Finland” (pp. 103-112)
for October 23, read “The Sojourner” pp. (115-125) and “A Domestic Dilemma” (pp. 129-140)

We thank the Board of Library Trustees for sponsoring this program.

Back to School, Back to school, to Prove to Dad that I’m not a Fool

Get geared up for success this coming year at Falmouth Public Library

                It’s that time of year again! But you aren’t alone. The library is a tool for academic success, free thinking, and somewhere to have fun! At the main branch we carry a vast collection of resources, have author talks, events of all kinds, and a great place to get that extra credit to start off the year!

                Falmouth Public Library devotes itself to serving our patrons (that’s you!) with the necessary materials that promote free thinking. We have newspapers, non-fiction, fiction (maybe more truth than non-fiction?), and reference materials ranging from local history to vehicle repair manuals. For the most part, if you need it, we will try our best to provide it. We are here to serve the community. This includes our English as a second language patrons. In the Young Adult room, we have been building up our own world language collection. We plan for the collection to expand and break down the language barrier which impedes on the inclusion we wish to provide. We also offer English as a second language classes which are available throughout the year.

                We also host author talks (usually followed by some book signing), movie viewing, Dungeons and Dragons Club, and a room full of manga and graphic novels.  Some big programs that we run are the CapeCon (ComiCon), spooky season talks and decorations, and films on Fridays!

                We are here to help everyone succeed. Inclusion is one of the corner stones. In order to achieve the goal of all inclusion, barriers must be broken down. Language, economic status, race, religion, and all that stuff you aren’t supposed to talk about, only separates the community further. Our services and programs are a breaking point of the Berlin Wall! Once we realize we are more alike than different, it’s exciting to spend time and learn with others who have the same interest. Another thing we offer is video games! Super Smash Brothers does not care what language you are yelling in. It may as well be listening to whales, filled with emotion that we can all understand.

                We warmly invite any one and any friends of the community to come and peruse our resources while you have a great time getting to know people. Many of which we very well may not have known!


Effective Communication Strategies

Join us at the Falmouth Public Library for an Effective Communication Strategies education program presented by Jennifer Hoadley from the Alzheimer’s Association on Monday, September 23rd from 3pm to 4pm in the Hermann meeting room.

Dementia affects a person’s ability to communicate, making it hard to convey their wants and needs to the people around them.  Caregivers can learn how to use a person-centered approach to communicate more effectively at any stage of the disease.

Topics in this program will include exploring ways that Alzheimer’s and other dementias affect an individual’s ability to communicate across different stages, using a person-centered communication approach, and tips for communicating with family, friends and health care professionals.

Jennifer Hoadley is the regional manager of Southeastern MA for the Alzheimer’s Association with 10+ years of experience in memory care and a personal connection to the disease.

This event is free to the public and registration is required as seating is limited. CLICK HERE to register online or visit/call the adult services desk at 508-457-2555 x7.

Dungeons and Dragons is back at FPL!

We are very excited to have our Dungeons and Dragons club back at the Falmouth Public Library! Starting on Tuesday, 8/20, Cian McEneaney will bring patrons on an adventure of their own design. The only thing you need to bring is an open imagination. Cian was previously the Dungeon Master at the CapeCon this past June and is excited to bring his enthusiasm, knowledge, and animated self. We gladly welcome him back to continue the adventure!

The program will run every Tuesday from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM in the Young Adult room. The program is designed for patrons 12 and up! Young adults, adults, and anyone else who loves Dungeons and Dragons or would like to learn are welcome. We have a set limit of 5 players at once. Please sign up on our events page:

falmouthpubliclibrary.org/events, or call 508-457-2555 x 7.

If the program is full, please register for the waitlist as some players may leave the campaign for whatever reason. We will then contact you and you are welcome to jump in!

Dungeons and Dragons is one of the longest running role playing games and has been enjoyed by thousands throughout the years. It can be enjoyed by anyone with a wild imagination or someone that is more grounded. They are both important!

As always, Falmouth Public Library is devoted to creating a safe space for all. The Dungeons and Dragons campaign will remain appropriate for ages 12 and above but will not be censored in order for all ages to enjoy!

Sharks Don’t Sink: Adventures of a Rogue Shark Scientist with Jasmin Graham

Join us at the Falmouth Public Library on Wednesday, August 14th at 4pm in the Hermann meeting room for an author talk and book signing with Jasmin Graham!  She will be discussing her new book Sharks Don’t Sink: Adventures of a Rogue Shark Scientist.  Copies of the book will be available for purchase at the event from Eight Cousins.

Sharks Don’t Sink is a riveting, moving, and ultimately triumphant memoir at the intersection of science and social justice: a guidebook to how we can all learn to respect and protect some of nature’s most misunderstood and vulnerable creatures–and grant the same grace to ourselves.”

“Jasmin’s journey, along with her love of sharks, is both fascinating and inspiring, sitting at the cross section of science and social justice. This book is a triumph.” —Emily Giffin, TODAY

“Jasmin Graham is a marine biologist in the field of elasmobranch ecology and evolution, currently specializing in smalltooth sawfish and hammerhead sharks. She is the co-founder of Minorities in Shark Sciences (MISS), an organization providing support for women of color in the field of shark biology and ecology, in order to foster greater diversity in marine science. She is a recipient of the WWF Conservation Leadership Award, the Safina Launchpad Center Fellowship, and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.”

This event is free to the public. CLICK HERE to register online event calendar or visit/call the adult service desk at 508-457-2555 x7.

Creative Writing Workshop with Dominic Cappuccino

Dominic Cappuccino is partnering with the FPL Young Adult Services to offer a creative writing workshop over the summer! Participants will have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of writing a short – story and their components like setting, character and plot. It will be a great opportunity to practice your creative writing skills over 4 sessions.

No pressure! Judgment free! Just writing with other writers and sharing their creations.

The program is intended to serve students entering grades 7 – 10. Registration is required.

Keep your creativity flowing during the summer!

You can certainly dive deeper into your own identity by writing about a fictional character that is really a reflection of you! Not only does the workshop allow you to grow creatively, it also opens doors to your own self. Like writing in a journal, mashes of words on paper are a great starting point.

Each session will hold a different part of writing your own story. Write in whatever genre and in whatever format you would like:

  • Writing about what you feel in the moment with your five senses
  • The creation of dialogue between two characters
  • The inclusion of our own experiences and emotions within our writing
  • Individual and group revision in the form of PQP (praise, question, proposal)

Writing is often thought of as a solitary activity but at FPL in the Young Adult room, we pride ourselves in trying new things. So, we can write together! We can look for examples in the literature held in the YA room, or anywhere else.

Each session is very important to the progression of your own story so don’t miss out! The sessions will be held from 10:30 – 12:30 on the dates listed below (all Wednesdays):

  • July 24th
  • July 31st
  • August 7th
  • August 14

You only need to register for the July 24th session and attend the following.

We look forward to seeing you and learning more about where your individual creativity brings you! When all is said and done, we can keep the stories in the YA room or you can take them home. Hey! We may even be able to bind them… 

Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Join us at the Falmouth Public Library for an Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia education program presented by Jennifer Hoadley from the Alzheimer’s Association on Wednesday, July 17th from 4pm to 5pm in the Hermann meeting room.

Come learn the impact of Alzheimer’s, basic information on the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia, stages, riskfactors, research and FDA-approved treatments and Alzheimer’s Association resources.

Jennifer Hoadley is the regional manager of Southeastern MA for the Alzheimer’s Association with 10+ years of experience in memory care and a personal connection to the disease.

This event is free to the public and registration is required as seating is limited. CLICK HERE to register online or visit/call the adult services desk at 508-457-2555 x7.