Back to School, Back to school, to Prove to Dad that I’m not a Fool

Get geared up for success this coming year at Falmouth Public Library
It’s that time of year again! But you aren’t alone. The library is a tool for academic success, free thinking, and somewhere to have fun! At the main branch we carry a vast collection of resources, have author talks, events of all kinds, and a great place to get that extra credit to start off the year!
Falmouth Public Library devotes itself to serving our patrons (that’s you!) with the necessary materials that promote free thinking. We have newspapers, non-fiction, fiction (maybe more truth than non-fiction?), and reference materials ranging from local history to vehicle repair manuals. For the most part, if you need it, we will try our best to provide it. We are here to serve the community. This includes our English as a second language patrons. In the Young Adult room, we have been building up our own world language collection. We plan for the collection to expand and break down the language barrier which impedes on the inclusion we wish to provide. We also offer English as a second language classes which are available throughout the year.
We also host author talks (usually followed by some book signing), movie viewing, Dungeons and Dragons Club, and a room full of manga and graphic novels. Some big programs that we run are the CapeCon (ComiCon), spooky season talks and decorations, and films on Fridays!

We are here to help everyone succeed. Inclusion is one of the corner stones. In order to achieve the goal of all inclusion, barriers must be broken down. Language, economic status, race, religion, and all that stuff you aren’t supposed to talk about, only separates the community further. Our services and programs are a breaking point of the Berlin Wall! Once we realize we are more alike than different, it’s exciting to spend time and learn with others who have the same interest. Another thing we offer is video games! Super Smash Brothers does not care what language you are yelling in. It may as well be listening to whales, filled with emotion that we can all understand.
We warmly invite any one and any friends of the community to come and peruse our resources while you have a great time getting to know people. Many of which we very well may not have known!