Homebound Delivery

In 1972, recently retired Library Director, Hazel Atwood, began volunteering to deliver library books to residents who were unable to come to the library. Fifty years later, Falmouth Public Library’s Homebound Delivery Service continues uninterrupted. Since 1972, almost 250,000 books and other library materials have been delivered to library patrons at home and at local nursing homes and assisted living facilities!

The Falmouth Public Library provides library materials to residents of Falmouth who are unable to travel to the library due to illness or physical disability. This service is available to residents who have  permanent long term or short term disabilities.

Requests for materials can be filled and delivered to your home by a library representative for a three-week loan period. Materials will be delivered and retrieved on the same day. We can select items for you by title or provide you with a selection based on your reading interests and preferences.

For further information or to schedule deliveries to your home, please contact the Library Associate -Outreach Services at (508) 457-2555 ext. 2910.

Homebound Policy 2016