Introducing the WHOI and FPL Community Read

For the first time, WHOI and Falmouth Library are collaborating on a community read, and the book will be Edith Widder’s Below the Edge of Darkness: a Memoir of Exploring Light and Life in the Deep Sea. There will be a series of related events, ending in two live  events with Edie Widder on Saturday, June 11th!

The WHOI & FPL Community Read 2022 is part of Dispatches from an Ocean Planet: A Celebration of Film and Literature presented by the Yawkey Foundation and WHOI.

For more details on the program, and some great videos and further book recommendations, check out our Community Read page

WHOI & FPL Community Read 2022 Events

WHOI & FPL Community Read 2022 events are free to the public and registration is required.

Inner-Space Aliens with Larry Madin on Wednesday, May 11th from 3pm-4pm in the Library’s Hermann meeting room. Register here.

        The organisms of Earth’s ‘inner space’ – the oceans, are so alien in appearance and behavior to what most people know. Following a video on ‘Blue Water Diving’, Larry will give a short presentation to illustrate more of the biology of the open ocean and deep-sea and its connection to the rest of the world and society.  A discussion and Q&A period will follow.  Larry Madin is Deputy Director Emeritus and Senior Science Advisor at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Woods Hole, MA, USA.

Below the Edge of Darkness Book Discussion with Allan Adams on Wednesday, May 25th from 7pm-8pm via Zoom. Register here.

        Discuss Edie Widder’s book, Below the Edge of Darkness: A Memoir of Exploring Light and Life in the Deep Sea, in a group setting.  We will have a special guest, Allan Adams.  Allan is an Adjunct Oceanographer in the Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Department at WHOI.

Below the Edge of Darkness Book Discussion with Dana Yoerger on Wednesday, June 1st from 3pm-4pm in the Library’s Hermann meeting room.  Register here.

        Discuss Edie Widder’s book, Below the Edge of Darkness: A Memoir of Exploring Light and Life in the Deep Sea, in a group setting.  We will have a special guest, Dr. Dana Yoerger.  Dana is a Senior Scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and a researcher in marine robotics. He supervises the research and academic program of graduate students studying oceanographic engineering through the MIT/WHOI Joint Program in the areas of control, robotics, and design.

Edie Widder Book Reading & Signing on Saturday, June 11th from 1pm-2:30pm in the Library’s Hermann meeting room.  Register here.

        Come join us as author Edie Widder does a select reading from her book, Below the Edge of Darkness: A Memoir of Exploring Light and Life in the Deep Sea, followed by a short Q&A and then a book signing.  Copies of the book will be available for purchase by Eight Cousins at the event.  

Edie Widder Ocean Explorer – A Conversation on Saturday, June 11th from 4pm-5pm at WHOI’s Redfield Auditorium.

        After an introduction by Larry Madin, Edie Widder will engage in a conversation with Sam Harp, WHOI’s Vice President for Advancement, followed by a Q&A with the audience about her book Below the Edge of Darkness: A Memoir of Exploring Light and Life in the Deep Sea.

Live Music on the Lawn with Hungrytown

The Falmouth Public Library is excited to announce the third Live Music on the Lawn concert of the summer!  Join us and the folk music duo of Hungrytown for a free, live, outdoor concert on the library lawn on Saturday, August 28th, from 2pm-3pm!  Just bring your own chair or blanket and sit back and relax to the wonderful music of Hungrytown!

“After more than fifteen years of world-wide touring and three album releases (Hungrytown, in 2008; Any Forgotten Thing in 2011; and Further West in 2015), Rebecca Hall and Ken Anderson have earned a reputation for the quality and authenticity of their songwriting.”  “Lyricist Rebecca Hall is credited with compositions “that sound as timeless as any traditional songs” (Northern Sky, UK) while producer/multi-instrumentalist/husband Ken Anderson is lauded for his “remarkable affinity for instrumental embellishment” (No Depression) and for crafting Hungrytown’s “gorgeous vocal harmonies” (Folk and Roots, UK).””

“Their third and latest album, Further West, made the top 10 on the American Folk DJ charts for two months, and at least 14 “Best of the Year” lists. “Not only is this one of the best albums of 2015, it’s one of the best of the decade,” proclaimed New York Music Daily.” “Hungrytown’s music has also received extensive radio airplay worldwide and has appeared on several television shows, including Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, IFC’s Portlandia and Netflix’s Lady Dynamite.”


The Garden Tourist returns!

By popular demand, we are delighted to welcome garden designer and author Jana Milbocker back for an encore Zoom  presentation on Wednesday evening, May 12th at 7 pm!

Do you enjoy beautiful gardens? In this armchair tour of some of the best public gardens and hidden gems of New England, you will learn about each garden’s history, horticultural highlights and special events that will inspire you to plan your own visit!

Jana combines horticulture, design, and travel tips to educate, inspire and delight both new and seasoned gardeners. She loves to visit gardens and historic sites in the U.S. and abroad, and share her trips through her books, photos and blog. She published The Garden Tourist: 120 Destination Gardens and Nurseries in the Northeast in 2018, and The Garden Tourist’s New England in 2020, both available at the library.

She has lectured at flower shows in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New York and New Jersey, as well as a multitude of horticultural societies, garden clubs, and libraries in the Northeast. She is the owner of Enchanted Gardens, a landscape design firm in the Boston area. She is the past president of the Holliston Garden Club, and she is active in the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Horticultural Society, and GardenComm International.

This event is free and appropriate for adults and teens, and is sponsored by the Friends of the Falmouth Public Library.  Registration is required before the event. Please register online by clicking here for the form, or contact the reference department at 508-457-2555 x 7.

Design a Sunny Perennial Border

We are delighted to welcome garden designer and author Jana Milbocker back on Wednesday afternoon, April 14th at 2 pm, for a Zoom presentation! She recently gave a wonderful one showing some beautiful gardens of the Northeast.

How do you create a sunny perennial garden that will delight you with colorful blooms and flowers for cutting from spring through fall? Learn about plant layering, new and reliable perennials, companion plants and design techniques that will make your garden POP!

Jana combines horticulture, design, and travel tips to educate, inspire and delight both new and seasoned gardeners. She loves to visit gardens and historic sites in the U.S. and abroad, and share her trips through her books, photos and blog. She published The Garden Tourist: 120 Destination Gardens and Nurseries in the Northeast in 2018, and The Garden Tourist’s New England in 2020, both available at the library.

She has lectured at flower shows in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New York and New Jersey, as well as a multitude of horticultural societies, garden clubs, and libraries in the Northeast. She is the owner of Enchanted Gardens, a landscape design firm in the Boston area. She is the past president of the Holliston Garden Club, and she is active in the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Horticultural Society, and GardenComm International.

This event is free and appropriate for adults and teens, and is sponsored by the Trustees of the Falmouth Public Library.  Registration is required before the event. Please register online by clicking here, or contact the reference department at 508-457-2555 x 7.

Joy of Learning, April 2021!

Come join us in April for our ever-popular Joy of Learning series!  The Falmouth Public Library has offered Joy of Learning classes for many years, in April and October. Due to the pandemic, these classes are held on Zoom.  Registration is required-please go to to register for any or all classes! Description are below.

Joy of Learning classes are taught by educators and other experts on a volunteer basis and are free to the public.  They are designed for adults or for teens at a high school/college learning level. Come learn something new and have fun! This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Falmouth Public Library.

NOTE:  Downloading the Zoom application before the start of the class is required to participate.  If you need assistance with this, please contact the reference department at 508-457-2555 x 7. 

Discussion of Zora Neal Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God 
Mondays, April 5, 12, 26 and May 3, 2021, 10:00 AM -11:00 AM (doesn’t meet 4/19)

Hurston’s poetic language, female hero, and folk traditions combine to tell the powerful story of a woman who defied all that was expected of her.

Through shared inquiry, participants will explore the ideas, meaning, and themes presented in Their Eyes Were Watching God with a focus on the language and folklore, which Hurston uses to explore Janie’s search for her authentic self and for real love.

Joanne Holcomb, retired English teacher of 35 years and English/language arts department head for 14 years at Falmouth High School, will lead a 4-session discussion on Zoom. She has taught several literature classes for us at Joy of Learning!

You are encouraged to obtain your copy from the CLAMS library system-you can do that online, or contact the reference department if you would like assistance with that. Please read the first five chapters before the first session-a more detailed syllabus will be emailed to you before the class, as well as the Zoom link, after registration. As it is a literature discussion class, space is limited to 20 participants, so please register early to ensure that you can attend.

 You’ve Got Soul
Tuesdays, April 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2021, 7:00 PM -8:00 PM

A look at the Black American musical roots of American popular music, and the intersection of Black music genres and social conditions that led to the rise of Soul music in the late 1950s.

The rise of the record industry in the early 1900s reflected the racial and social segregation of American society, creating music categories: Pop, Hillbilly (later called Country) and Colored. While the names changed over the years, the genres and social attitudes remained the same.

As Black America began to actively question the human rights violations of a racist society, the music began to reflect the experiences and pride of a people and heritage of survival.

Why does Soul music sound so different in different parts of the country? What happened to soul music? Who are some legendary and contemporary soul artists?

Instructor Mwalim (Morgan James Peters) is a multi-award-winning storyteller/spoken word artist, playwright, oral historian, musician, filmmaker, and educator. Born in Bronx, NY and raised in both New York and Mashpee, MA, he is a trained violist, jazz pianist and composer. As an iconic part of the east coast underground art and music scenes for over 35 years, his stages have included theaters, schools, street corners, libraries, galleries, museums, festivals, powwows, jails, nightclubs, temples, community centers, and colleges throughout the country. His latest works include a novel, Land of the Black Squirrels and a forthcoming album projects by his multi- Grammy nominated soul-funk band The GroovaLottos, and a solo jazz album. He is a tenured Associate Professor of English & Communications and Black Studies at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.

Sensing in Aquatic Animals

Thursdays, April 8, 15, 22 & 29, 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.

This class will be offered by Jelle Atema, PhD, professor emeritus at Boston University, and guest scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Dominance, memory, courtship, navigation, homing, feeding behavior…what information do marine and freshwater animals need and how do they extract it? This series of four lectures addresses the sensory biology of aquatic animals based largely on four “model species”: lobsters, sharks, catfish, and larval reef fishes, one species per lecture. For example, can lobsters really remember the smell of another individual? Can sharks really sense a drop of blood a mile away? Why can catfish smell and taste under water? How can half-inch long fish larvae avoid being carried away in the big ocean? The lectures are based primarily on research in the “Atema Lab” in Woods Hole, as well as other labs and field studies in Australia and Cape Cod.


Chess for All Ages

We are delighted to welcome chess expert Glenn Davison, on Tuesday evening, March 30th at 7 pm, for a Zoom lesson, organized by the Falmouth Public Library!

Partly due to a very popular (and Golden Globe-winning!) show on Netflix called “The Queen’s Gambit,” about a woman who breaks gender barriers in the male-dominated world of chess, chess has undergone a bit of a renaissance: many shops have sold out of chess sets! As Glenn says, there are many good messages in the show including reading, studying, preparation, learning, and practice.

Glenn is a lifelong chess player who has taught dozens of chess classes in Massachusetts resulting in hundreds of chess players and multiple chess clubs. He specializes in animated online chess classes that everyone can enjoy, often with grandparents learning at the same time as their grandchildren.

This online class teaches the fundamentals of chess. In one hour you will learn the basics of playing chess including setting up, using the pawns and other pieces, special moves, tips and even how to win a game of chess in four moves.

Since teaching is done online with examples, interaction, animations and quizzes, a chess set is unnecessary.

This event is free and appropriate for adults, teens and children ages 8 and up, and is sponsored by the Trustees of the Falmouth Public Library.  Registration is required before the event. Please register online by clicking here, or contact the reference department at 508-457-2555 x 7.

Birds at the Beach: A Look at Shorebirds and Gulls on Cape Cod

We are delighted to welcome Christine Bates from Mass Audubon, on Wednesday afternoon, March 18th at 2 pm, for a Zoom presentation!

Get to know the most common shorebirds that visit and nest on Cape Cod including sandpipers, plovers, and oystercatchers. We will also talk about the gulls that grace our beaches- and parking lots!

Christine Bates is a naturalist, and the Visitor Experiences and Community Outreach Coordinator with Mass Audubon’s Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. Prior to working for Wellfleet Bay, Christine was an Interpretive Park Ranger at the Cape Cod National Seashore. Christine has a passion for ornithology and is a skilled birder. A native Cape Codder, Christine was born and raised in Orleans. She holds a BA and MS in Environmental Studies. 

This event is free and appropriate for adults and teens, and is sponsored by the Friends of the Falmouth Public Library.  Registration is required before the event. Please register online by clicking here, or contact the reference department at 508-457-2555 x 7.

The Garden Tourist

Update: this event is currently full. 

We are delighted to welcome garden designer and author Jana Milbocker, on Tuesday afternoon, March 9th at 2 pm, for a Zoom presentation by the Falmouth Public Library!

Do you enjoy beautiful gardens? In this armchair tour of some of the best public gardens and hidden gems of the Northeast, you will learn about each garden’s history, horticultural highlights and special events that will inspire you to plan your own visit!

Jana combines horticulture, design, and travel tips to educate, inspire and delight both new and seasoned gardeners. She loves to visit gardens and historic sites in the U.S. and abroad, and share her trips through her books, photos and blog. She published The Garden Tourist: 120 Destination Gardens and Nurseries in the Northeast in 2018, and The Garden Tourist’s New England in 2020, both available at the library.

She has lectured at flower shows in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New York and New Jersey, as well as a multitude of horticultural societies, garden clubs, and libraries in the Northeast. She is the owner of Enchanted Gardens, a landscape design firm in the Boston area. She is the past president of the Holliston Garden Club, and she is active in the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Horticultural Society, and GardenComm International.

This event is free and appropriate for adults and teens, and is sponsored by the Friends of the Falmouth Public Library.  Registration is required before the event. Please register online by clicking by going to or contact the reference department at 508-457-2555 x 7. Update: this event is currently full. 

Jumpin’ Juba-a Zoom musical event!

Listen online to a special offering from Steve Hurl and Bruce Ward of Jumpin’ Juba, on Tuesday evening, February 2nd, starting at 6:30 pm!

Jumpin’ Juba mixes regional blues from Chicago, Memphis and New Orleans together with roots-y rock & roll, jazz, calypso, and Latin flavors. It features Steve Hurl (guitars, vocal), whose playing draws from the great acoustic blues finger-pickers, and from the blues-y string benders of the 1950’s. Bruce Ward’s burly piano work recalls such greats as Prof. Longhair, Otis Spann, and Albert Ammons. The band’s two CD releases (Bumpity Bump and Slap Happy) have received regional and overseas airplay, and have garnered many favorable reviews in MA and beyond. Read more about the band on their page, here!

This is a free event, sponsored by the Falmouth Cultural Council! Registration is required to get the Zoom link. You can register online, by 5 p.m. on the day of the event by clicking here, or by calling the reference department at 508-457-2555 x 7.