Zoom presentation: Successful Selling through Online Yard Sales

We are pleased to welcome Deb Colameta Saturday morning, October 3rd, at 10 a.m., for a Zoom presentation! Deb is an expert seller, and has made thousands of dollars (and created extra space in her home) by using the power of online yard sales.

Are you moving? Minimizing? Tidying and de-cluttering have become  timely topics, and this workshop will teach you Deb’s best tips for making money while purging your home!  

Also, by upcycling, freecycling, and selling your extra things, you can avoid contributing to landfills. Deb Colameta is the author of “Best Offer, Best Life! Deb’s Quick-Start Guide to Creating Wealth through Online Yard Sales“, which will be available for purchase during the presentation.

Besides using virtual yard sales to create space and earn cash, Deb is an adjunct professor at Northeastern University and runs a consulting practice.

This event is free and appropriate for adults, and is sponsored by the generosity of the Trustees of the Falmouth Public Library.  Registration is required, by 5 p.m. on the day before he event. Please register online by clicking here,  or contact the reference department at 508-457-2555 x 7.