Help us identify Postcards from Falmouth

Our newest postcard collection at the library includes a few cards none of the staff could identify. So we asked our followers on the Postcards from Falmouth Instagram account, and the Library’s Facebook page, to help us out!

Wow, we were so impressed with the local knowledge! One postcard was correctly identified only four minutes after being posted, and in several cases, we got a lot of history of home ownership and memories of being at the places depicted. Falmouth people really love and know this town. Thanks for your help identifying these places!


Unfortunately, we still have a few places that we couldn’t get consensus on. We are still welcoming your suggestions for these images: do you know these places?

Card 0177 (click to enlarge):

Card 0178 (we think a second view of the same house? click to enlarge)

Card 0181 (click to enlarge):

If you can identify one of these mystery postcards, leave a comment and let us know!