“It takes a name to make a town. It takes people to make a community. Falmouth is a community rich with people, places and memories.”
Succanessett Snapshot, by Troy Clarkson
So without further ado….
If your first thought of Waquoit is the white steeple of Waquoit Congregational Church, you’re in good company. Join Reverend Nell Fields for a tour through the history of this iconic church, from summer-only services to remote outreach during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Learn about the quirks of its restoration, the personal touches left by congregations past, and just what kind of church you could build for for $1300 in 1848.
Again, the Library thanks all our historians (past, present, and future), our interviewers (Barbara Kanellopoulos, Troy Clarkson, and Anna Lee), and the Staff at FCTV (Bob Fenstermaker, Allen Russell, and Andrew Richards). We also thank the MBLC for awarding us this lovely grant because we are now better enabled to realize a new paradigm for the Library’s approach to local history collections–the active facilitation, preservation, and celebration of Falmouth, its history, its people, and most especially its evolving local story told through the eyes of current and future residents.
Explore more of the Library’s postcard collection here.
This Postcards from Falmouth Oral History was funded by a LSTA grant & administered by the MBLC. The content around it was provided by Anna Lee, the FPL grant assistant. Contact Anna for more information about the project at alee@falmouthpubliclibrary.org