This weeks book show on WCAI was pre-recorded, and if you listened in the morning (during the pledge drive) you would have heard a shortened version of the show, but the evening version will be the full show. You can also, as always, listen online! Our topic was books having to do with travel. Because the show was not live, we also could not take any of your calls or read any of your e-mails. However, if you have a favorite travel book that you would like to add to our list, just send us a comment via this post.
We were delighted that Kellie Porter, a librarian at the Woods Hole Library, joined us for the very first time! We definitely hope she returns for another show in the near future. Looking forward to our August show, we’ll be talking books about pirates with author Peter Abrahams. Every month the book show is broadcast on the last Wednesday of the month, and if you happen to have missed a show, you can listen to them all online at the WCAI web page.
Kellie’s Picks
Time Out in Palestine by Glynnis Fawkes
The Ultimate Interplanetary Travel Guide by Jim Bell
My Paris Kitchen by David Lebovitz
The Odyssey of Homer translated by Emily Wilson
Around the World in 50 Ways by Lonely Planet Kids
The Solo Travel Handbook by Lonely Planet
The Airport Book by Lisa Brown
Leave Me Alone! by Vera Brosgol
The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton
Old Ways by Robert Macfarlane
Jill’s Picks
The Novel Cure: from abandonment to zestlessness: 751 books to
cure what ails you by Ella Berthoud and Susan Elderkin. “The Ten
Best Novels to Read on a Train” page 67. “The Ten Best Novels to
Read in a Hammock” page 375.
Atlas Obscura by Joshua Foer, Dylan Thuras & Ella Morton. Interested in the Atlas Obscura web page? Here is the link!
Unfathomable City: a New Orleans Atlas by Rebecca Solnit and
Rebecca Snedeker. You might also be interested in Nonstop Metropolis: a New York City Atlas and Infinite City: a San Francisco Atlas.
The Old Ways: a journey on foot by Robert Macfarlane
Foreign Affairs by Alison Lurie
Le Road Trip: a traveler’s journal of love and France by Vivian Swift
Gardens of Awe and Folly: a traveler’s journal on the meaning of life
and gardening by Vivian Swift
Explorers’ Sketchbooks: the art of discovery & adventure by Huw Lewis-Jones & Kari Herbert with a foreword by Robert MacFarlane
The Best Women’s Travel Writing, Volume 11, published in 2017, edited by Lavinia
Travel Books to Share with Children
The Penny Whistle Traveling With Kids Book by Meredith Brokaw
and Annie Gilbar, illustrated by Jill Weber
Storybook Travels: from Eloise’s New York to Harry Potter’s London,
visits to 30 of the best-loved landmarks in children’s literature by
Colleen Dunn Bates and Susan LaTempa
All Aboard: a traveling alphabet by Bill Mayer
No time for this, but GRANTA: the magazine of new writing did a great travel issue. It is the “Journeys” issue number 138, Winter 2017. It includes many meditations on the question “Is Travel Writing Dead?” and Falmouth Public Library subscribes so you can request this issue via CLAMS!