Postcards from Falmouth Project: Oral Histories Resume!

We are delighted to be back in the FCTV studio recording more oral histories for the Library’s Postcards from Falmouth grant. Just as we began filming the interviews last winter, the pandemic fell upon us and forced us to suspend the effort. What a heartening project to resume! It serves as an example of how our community can be brought together by the love of our beautiful town and its history. We are grateful for our historians, and we are thankful to our interviewers–Barbara Kannellopoulos and Troy Clarkson–and the amazing staff at FCTV–Bob Fenstermaker, Allen Russell, and Andrew Richards…and let us not forget our most awesome grant assistant, Anna Lee!
Last winter we recorded Rabbi Elias Lieberman on the East End Meeting House of the Falmouth Jewish Congregation, Reverend Will Mebane of Saint Barnabas, and Reverend Jonathan Drury of the First Congregational Church. We also interviewed Bill Swift on the Dwight Estate once located on Mill Road, Dick Kendall on playing youth baseball in Falmouth Heights, Kevin Doyle on the Old Stone Dock, and Donald Fish shared many memories of Falmouth back in the day, too.
The next round of histories include Camille Beale and Nancy Eldridge remembering Main Street, Rob Blomberg (pictured) on the history of the Woods Hole Library, Joel Peterson on the Dome Restaurant, Mark Pearson on the College Light Opera Company, and Mark Schmidt on the Falmouth Historical Society. Catherine Bumpus will also discuss the history of Nobska Light, and Jane McLaughlin will join Catherine in a discussion on the Mary Garden in Woods Hole.
The oral histories, which are based upon our collection of historic postcards, will be available for viewing once the post-production work is completed.
Stay tuned and let us know if you, or someone you know, is a Falmouth historian!
This project is made possible through a LSTA grant administered by the MBLC.
This is a wonderful project. Anyone with an interest in Falmouth’s rich history will find much to enjoy and learn about. Kudos to all involved!
very interested in viewing any of the above