New Version of CLAMS Catalog Coming Soon!

CLAMS announced recently that all consortium libraries will be switching over to the new Aspen Discovery catalog, which will debut for the public on February 27. At the Falmouth Public Library staff have been preparing for the transition and training on the new software, and we’re very excited about the new features that Aspen will bring!
- One search will retrieve the book you’re looking for in all possible formats – print, large print, audiobook, ebook, or e-audiobook.
- We’ll have a customized catalog that shows the things we own in Falmouth first, before things that are at another CLAMS library.
- If something you want is currently checked out, the system will suggest similar titles that are available now.
- You can create your own lists of things to read later, or browse librarian-created lists of books organized by theme, genre, and more (think: ‘suggested children’s books for Black History Month’ or ‘popular contemporary romances for Valentine’s Day’).
What won’t change?
- What you currently have checked out, including ebook and e-audiobook titles in Libby.
- Your library card number and account information (you will need to re-set your PIN the first time you use the new catalog.)
- Your Reading History, if you use it, will transfer over but it will not be available on the first day the new catalog launches.
- Access to the CLAMS mobile app.
- Access to all library online resources like Kanopy, hoopla, and Consumer Reports (some resources may need you to log in again after the transition happens; Libby will need you to update your password to match your new library PIN).
What’s the Timeline?
- We’ve already temporarily paused new requests for ComCat and ILL items; new requests will be accepted February 27.
- The big data transfer occurs the weekend of February 25-26, so the libraries will be closed those days. The old catalog will still be visible to search, but you won’t be able to place any new requests, and you won’t be able to renew things.
- Everything will be shiny and new on February 27! And we’ll be at the library to show you the new system.
Want to know more? CLAMS has an even more detailed list of FAQs plus links to the Aspen Discovery Quick Start Guide and video tutorials.
Very excited for new version!