Books About the Sea on The Point with Steve Junker

This morning on The Point book show, we had a visiting host, and a new book talker! You can listen to it here! Steve Junker, Managing Editor of News at WCAI, sat in for Mindy Todd and Jayne Iafrate joined us for the first, but I am sure not the last, book talk. Our topic was nautical books. Below is the list of all the titles we mentioned, and if you want to add your favorite to the list, just send us an email at
Jayne’s Picks
Moby-Dick by Herman Melville (Norton Critical Edition)
Moby-Dick: a pop-up book by Sam Ita
Moby-Dick: based on the novel by Herman Melville. Graphic novel retelling by Lew Sayre Schwartz
Typee by Herman Melville
Atlantic: great sea battles, heroic discoveries, titanic storms, and a vast ocean of a million stories by Simon Winchester
Pacific: silicon chips and surfboards and atom bombs, brutal dictators, fading empires, and the coming collision of the world’s superpowers by Simon Winchester
Seven-Tenths: love, piracy, and science at sea by David Fisichella
Waterlog by Roger Deakin
Why We Swim by Bonnie Tsui
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
American Sea Writing: a literary anthology Edited by Peter Neill
Jill’s Picks
Adventurers Afloat: a nautical bibliography by Ernest W. Toy, Jr. The sub-title is: “A Comprehensive Guide to Books in English Recounting the Adventures of Amateur Sailors upon the Waters of the World in Yachts, Boats, and Other Devices and Including Works on the Arts and Sciences of Cruising, Racing, Seamanship, Navigation, Design, Building, etc. from the Earliest Writings Through 1986.” While this is a reference book, and usually non-circulating, I have made it circulating for the time being should anyone want to take a closer look.
The Riddle of the Sands: a record of secret service recently achieved by Erskine Childers
Moby-Dick In Pictures: one drawing for every page by Matt Kish
Master and Commander by Patrick O’Brian. Article from the New York Times: “An Author I’d Walk the Plank For” by Richard Snow
Lobscouse & Spotted Dog by Anne Chotzinoff Grossman and Lisa Grossman Thomas. And the Paris Review article “Cooking with Patrick O’Brian” by Valerie Stivers
“The Fog Horn” by Ray Bradbury in Stories of the Sea.
The Voyage of the Narwhal by Andrea Barrett
“The Sea and the Wind that Blows” in Essays of E.B. White
Stuart Little by E. B. White
Little Pig Saves the Ship by David Hyde Costello
Dare the Wind by Tracey Fern. Pictures by Emily Arnold McCully
Listener Picks
Thomas Kydd novels by Julian Stockwin
Green Shadows, White Whale by Ray Bradbury